Apex Legend vs Blackout:Which Is Better

Apex Legends:

The new Battle Royale game from Respawn Entertainment released at last Monday and it is free-to-play like Fortnite.Sure this is not the first Battle Royale who hits the market but there are many others.But it features lots of intuitive design choices that make it famous.Apex Legends biggest draw comes in the form of character classes.Each character in legends offer abilities which make player to easy to kill its enemies.Currently, there is only one game mode offered in it which involves teaming up with two players more also this mode known as Trios.Players who got no microphone so don`t get sweat out because Apex Legend offer you to communicate easily through ping, by a one tap.The weapons in this game are too much futuristic and also there is no fall damage in this game.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout mode was an extremely welcomed to a market.When it was launched last year it was become one of the best Battle Royale game but it was not free-to-play. Blackout has gone through some changes,that make this game more better than it was at launch.The new changes in it that new areas are add in map,new weapons and also battle pass is also release.Its allow players to play as their favorite character throughout the Black Ops history.So as compare to Apex Legends it would be good if they have more powers in the game.Blackout manage to have 88 players on the map,while Apex Legends only holds 60 players max.So Blackout offer more players and also it have solo,duos, and squad mode to play. Best part of Blackout is encountering zombies throughout the map.

So who wins?

I think Apex Legends wins because it is free and also it is new released Battle Royale so we have to give time to them to improve the game and also add new features in it.

What do you think?    

Apex Legend vs Blackout:Which Is Better Apex Legend vs Blackout:Which Is Better Reviewed by Gaming Central on February 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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